Governance and Legislative Framework
As set out in the Education and Training Boards Act 2013, Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board is a local statutory, education and training authority. WWETB is governed by a Board comprising 21 members. This includes 12 representatives from the local city and county councils Waterford and Wexford; 2 members elected from staff; 2 parent representatives; and 5 members with a special knowledge of education and training including a learner representative and a business representative. The work of the organisation is further supported by Boards of Management in each of WWETB’s 13 Colleges.
In accordance with the reserved functions under Section 12(i) of the Act, WWETB has established a number of Committees to support its work. These are:
- Finance Committee
- Audit Committee
- Youth Work Committee
The Statement of Strategy 2018 -2022 for WWETB has been prepared In accordance with Section 27 (i) of the ETB Act.
Corporate Governance
WWETB was established under the Education and Training Boards Act 2013 and WWETB corporate governance has regard to the statutory structures and functions and responsibilities as set out in the 2013 Act. In addition, WWETB operates in accordance with the provisions of Circular Letter 18/2015, “Code of Practice for the Governance of Education and Training Boards”.
WWETB has established an Audit Committee and a Finance Committee in accordance with Circular Letter 18/2015, “Code of Practice for the Governance of Education and Training Boards”. These committees have established terms of reference, meeting schedules and reporting arrangements in line with the code of practice, and have a broad oversight remit with respect to all WWETB activity.
In relation to the governance, planning and management of quality WWETB has responsibilities and commitments to both SOLAS as the national Further Education and Training Authority, as well as the funding body
Quality Assurance Governance and Oversight Structures
Senior Management Team
The WWETB Senior Management consisting on CEO, Director of FET, Director of Schools, Director of OSD, HR Manager, Finance Manager, Corporate Services Manager, Innovation and Development Manager.
FET Management Team
The FET Management Team consists of the Director of FET, 3 Adult Education Officers, Training Centre Manager, 4 Training Assistant Managers, Innovation and Development Manager. This team meets monthly to review strategic and operational issues including quality assurance.
Quality Assurance Steering Group
Responsibility for the governance and oversight of FET quality assurance current resides with the Quality Assurance Steering Group. This groups includes representatives from all services and programmes with WWETB. It is chaired by the FET Director and reports to the Senior Management Team.
The QA Steering Group currently consists of the FET Director, Quality Assurance Officer, Training Standards Officer, Assistant Manager Quality Assurance, 3 Adult Education Officers, Training Centre Manager, Contracted Training Manager, and Community Training Manager.
The QA Steering Group has responsibility, amongst other things, for the approval and oversight of the development of quality assurance policy and processes, programme development, delivery, assessment and review, approval of centres to deliver programmes, external authentication, results approval etc.
Programme Approval Committee
The Programme Approval Committee currently has the same make-up as the QA Steering Group (though this is under review).
The PAC has a dual role currently, firstly to review Programme Development or Delivery Applications from Quality Assurance and Validation perspective. Secondly, once the applications have been presented and reviewed from a QA viewpoint, the members of the QA Team leave the meeting if discussions around programme management and delivery issues are required.
The role and membership of the Programme Approval Committee in currently under review. The programme planning and management aspect would not be seen as a QA function and the committee may be a better fit with the FET Management Group.