Fields of Learning
We offer a range of courses at Levels 1-6 on the National Framework of Qualifications in various fields of learning. Check out the Learning Categories below to find out more about the courses on offer in your area of interest.
Our courses are offered through both full-time and part-time modes of delivery and may be both centre based or delivered in outreach locations in the community.
Learning Categories & Subjects
- Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
- Arts and humanities
- Business and administration and law
- Education
- Engineering, manufacturing and construction
- Generic programmes and qualifications
- Health and welfare
- Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
- Natural sciences,mathematics and statistics
- Services
- Social sciences, journalism and information
Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary
Our Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Veterinary courses are designed to enable the learner to develop the relevant knowledge, skills and competance in a braod range of skills which enable employment, under direct supervision, in a variety of agriculture, nature, animal sectors or progression to further education.
Sample Courses
- Animal Science
- Canine Grooming
- Agriculture
- Animal Care
- Forestry

Arts and Humanities
Our Arts and Humanities are designed to enable the learner to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies to engage in a range of art, craft and design practices and/or to progress to other further and higher education and training courses.
Singular modules are also provided within full-time programmes such as Youthreach.
Sample Courses
- Art, Craft, Design
- Multimedia Production
- Sound Enginnering
- Art Portfolio

Business and Administration and Law
Our range of Business and Administration and Law courses are designed to equip learners with the skills to work independently and under supervision in an administrative, accounting or supervisory role in a range of business contexts and/or to progress to further and higher education and training. entry the employment market upon completion.
Sample Courses
- Business Administration
- Accounting Technician
- Supervisory Management
- Information Processing

Through our Education and Professional Development courses learners will acquire the knowledge, skills and competence to identify training and development needs and to deliver and evaluate a training intervention within a range of training and development contexts.
Sample Courses
- Training and Development (Train the Trainer)
- Assessment Practice

Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
Our Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction courses have close connections with local employers and many have been designed in partnership with local industry. Learners can progress through FET courses from basic welding up to a traineeship in Engineering Operations for example, enabling them to quickly enter the employment market upon completion.
Sample Courses
- Basic Welding
- Welding Intermediate
- Coded Pipe Welding
- Mig Welding
- Engineering Operations Traineeship
- Manual Arc Welding
- Construction Operative

Generic Programmes and Qualifications
Our range of Generic Programmes and Qualifications courses are designed to enable learners to build on their general knowledge and skills. Learners can progress within our FET courses from Levels 1-6, enabling them to progress to further and higher education or enter the employment market.
Sample Courses
- Leaving Certificate
- Employment Skills
- Learning Goals
- In Depth Career Guidance

Health and Welfare
Our Health and Welfare courses are designed to meet employer needs or support further study. Learners can progress within our FET courses from Levels 1 to 6 to enable them to enter the employment market or progress to higher education.
Sample Courses
- Nursing Studies
- Early Childhood Care and Education
- Special Needs with Intellectual Studies
- Care of the Older Person and Care Support
- Intellectual Disability Studies
- Youth Work
- Health Service Skills

Information & Communication Technologies (ITCs)
Our Information & Communication Technologies courses are industry focused with a close connection with the county’s skills and employer needs. Learners can progress within the ETB’s FET courses from Levels 1 up to high level technical courses required to enter the employment market.
Sample Courses
- Software Developer
- Java Foundation
- Microsoft MTA – Database Administration Fundamentals
- Career Traineeship in Automated Software Testing
- Information Technology Levels 1-4
- Website Design

Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics
Our Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics courses are designed to enable the learner to develop the relevant knowledge, skills and competence in a broad range of scientific skills which enable employment, under direct supervision, in a variety of science sectors, or progression to further education or training.
Single subjects like biology are also available as part of our Leaving Certificate for Adults course.
Sample Courses
- Laboratory Techniques
- Applied Ecology

Our Services courses are designed in partnership with industry to equip learners to entry the employment market upon completion.
Short courses in barista skills or modules in food adn nutrition are also offered by programmes such as Youthreach.
Sample Courses
- Catering
- Food and Beverage
- Hospitality Operations Traineeship

Social Sciences, Journalism and Information
Sample Courses