Minister of State with responsibility for Special Education and Inclusion, Josepha Madigan TD, has welcomed the first UN International Day Against Violence and Bullying in Schools including Cyberbullying. The first Thursday in November each year is now designated as the International Day Against Violence and Bullying in Schools including Cyberbullying.
Minister Josepha Madigan said: “Today, as the designated UN International Day against School Bullying and Violence, is about raising awareness in Ireland on the help that is available to target and deal with all forms of bullying behaviour in schools. As Minister with responsibility for Inclusion, I want to highlight to students, teachers, parents, and others the huge range of resources and information that is available on a range of platforms including the national anti-bullying website www.tacklebullying.ie and webwise.ie, both of which are funded by my Department.
“Our education system plays a pivotal role in equipping children and young people with the knowledge and competencies to deal with the risks and challenges that they may face – including the risk of being bullied. All of our work aimed at tackling bullying and cyberbullying arises out of our belief and commitment to support and protect the rights of the child as set in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“In addition to procedures and practice in schools, we are working to create school cultures where respect and inclusion are core to the wellbeing of the school community. To teachers and school leaders, you can create and promote that positive culture and ethos. An environment where children and young people and staff experience a sense of belonging. A place where they feel safe, connected and supported.
“We know from international evidence that we are not alone in Ireland, that bullying in schools affects 30% of students worldwide. All forms of bullying are unacceptable.
“As Minister, I am committed to supporting schools and tackling bullying in all its forms. The school environment rightly provides opportunities to develop friendships and to celebrate diversity. Long may it continue.”
Please click here for the Action Plan Against Bulling