Parttime Classroom Engineering, manufacturing and construction

Parametric Modelling Level 1 (Skills to Advance)

The aim of the programme is to equip the learner with the relevant knowledge, skill and competence required to understand the CAD Parametric Modelling environment, in terms of hardware, software and physical surroundings.

Target Award

City & Guilds Parametric Modelling L1 – 7689-01

Start Date: 05-02-2025 Hours/week: 08 Hrs 00 Mins Duration: 10 weeks


Day Mornings Afternoons Evenings
Education Requirements
Candidates must have the leaving cert with technical drawing subject or the City & Guilds 2D CAD Level 2 and 2D CAD Level 3 or have relevant industry experience in sectors such as:
Structural Engineering
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
Industrial Design
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture

Age Requirements
Applicants must have reached the current statutory school leaving age.

Learning Aptitude
Good spatial aptitude and good form perception are essential as are good numerical and literacy skills.

Previous Experience
Competency in performing conventional draughting tasks or previous relevant technical design is essential.

Module Award Body
Induction (Evenings)
3D Cad Parametric Modelling – Introduction Parametric Modelling L1 (7689-01) City & Guilds
On successful completion of the training programme, learners will be able to:

1-Use a parametric modelling workstation safely

2-Use key components used in parametric modelling software

3- Use commands to create and constrain sketches

4-Use commands to produce features

5-Use placed features to modify parametric models

6-Create an assembly

7-Produce output using the drawing layout environment


Co Wexford


Co Wexford

Contact Details

Course Contact:
Catherine Prendergast

