Skills to Compete 2D CAD Level 2 (Evenings)
To provide learners with skills and related knowledge in two dimensional computer aided design. This programme is an introduction to 2D CAD and will provide learners with skills and related knowledge in the principles and practical application of two dimensional computer aided draughting.
Target Award
City & Guilds 2D Computer Aided Design L2 – 7689-04
Start Date: 09-09-2024 Hours/week: 07 Hrs 00 Mins Duration: 11 weeks
Learner should ideally be educated to Leaving Certificate with a pass in mathematics, knowledge of technical drawing would be an advantage.
Learner must be computer literate: be confident in internet useage, file management and word processing. An ECDL or MOS qualification would be ideal.
Age Requirements
Applicants must have reached the current statutory school leaving age.
Learning Aptitude
Good numerical and literacy skills are essential.
Good spatial aptitude and good form perception are desirable.
Previous Experience
Previous relevant technical design or manual draughting experience is desirable.
Module | Award | Body |
Induction (Evenings) | – | – |
2D CAD Level 2 | 2D Computer Aided Design L2 (7689-04) | City & Guilds |
State the planned outcomes and the conditions attached to attendance on the course; apply good safety, health and hygiene practices; state the basic principle involved in environmental issues and explain the meaning of equal opportunities
2.1 Identify the components of a computer system, explain the concepts of software development and computer programming.
2.2 Produce 2D drawings for a wide range of technical disciplines, such as architecture, engineering, product design using computer aided design software